Home :: Bodybuilding Exercise :: Abdominals :: Hanging Leg Raise
Hanging Leg Raise
Target Muscles
Rectus abdominis (especially lower portion), Hip flexors. |
Starting Position
- Hang from a high bar with your hands shoulder-width apart. (You may use wrist or elbow straps for support.)
- Your arms should be fully extended and your lower back slightly arched.
The Movement
- Take your legs slightly behind your body.
- Keeping your legs almost straight, exhale and raise them upwards as high as possible. Ideally they should come just above the level of your hips. Focus on curling your hips towards your rib cage.
- Hold for a count of two; then slowly return your legs to the starting position.
- Do not swing your knees up or use the momentum of your legs - use the strength of your abdominals to move your hips and legs.
- For maximal results, raise your legs to approximately 30-45° to the horizontal. The abs shorten only when your legs go past parallel- below this point, they hold a static contraction as the hip flexors raise the legs.
- To make the exercise easier, bend your knees to reduce the resistance.
Other Exercises for your Ab Workouts
Swiss Ball Crunch.
Reverse Crunch.
Oblique Crunch.
Side Crunch.