Home :: Bodybuilding Exercise :: Exercises for Back :: One-arm Row
One-arm Row
Target Muscles
Latissimus dorsi, trapezius, rhomboids, infraspinatus, teres major and minor.
Also used Biceps, posterior deltoids. |
Starting Position
- Hold a dumbbell in your right hand, palm facing your body.
- Bend forwards from the hips, placing your
left hand and knee on a bench to stabilise yourself. Your back should be flat and almost horizontal and your right arm fully extended.
The Movement
- Pull the dumbbell up towards your waist, drawing your elbow back as far as it can go. Keep the dumbbell close to your body.
- Allow the dumbbell to touch your rib cage lightly. Pause for a count of one; then slowly lower the dumbbell until your arm is fully extended.
- After completing the required number of repetitions, perform the exercise with your left arm.
- Keep your lower back flat and still- do not
twist your trunk.
- Make sure you row the dumbbell to the side of your rib cage - do not pull the dumbbell up to your shoulder.
Other Exercises for your Back Workouts.
Lat Pull-down.
Seated Cable Row.
Bent-over Barbell Row.
Straight-arm Pull-downs.
Dumbell Shrug.
Back Extention on the Floor.
Back Extention with Swiss Ball.