Home :: Bodybuilding Exercise :: Abdominals :: Reverse Crunch
Reverse Crunch
Target Muscles
Rectus abdominis (mainly lower part), transverse abdomins. |
Starting Position
- Lie flat on your back on the floor or on a bench with your knees bent over your hips and your ankles touching (as for crunches).
- Place your arms on the floor alongside your body, palms flat on the floor, or hold on to the sides of the bench.
- Press your lower back to the floor or bench.
The Movement
- Slowly curl your hips off the floor, aiming your knees towards your chest. Your hips should raise no more than 10 em.
- Hold for a count of two.
- Slowly lower your hips to the starting position, maintaining constant tension in your abdominals.
- This should be a controlled, deliberate movement. Do not jerk, swing or bounce your hips off the floor; curl one vertebra up at a time.
- Do not allow your abdominals to relax at the top of the movement or while you are uncurling.
- Exhale as you contract your abdominals.
Other Exercises for your Ab Workouts
Swiss Ball Crunch.
Oblique Crunch.
Side Crunch.
Hanging Leg Raise