Vitamin Deficiency |
Vitamin DeficiencyVitamins are the organic compounds that function as metabolic regulators in the body. Classified as water soluble or fat soluble. Vitamins cannot be manufactured by the body and must be obtained through diet or supplements. The deficiency of vitamins, may lead to very chronic condition and causes various disorders to the body. Your body needs vitamins for many reasons, including producing healthy red blood cells. If your body is deficient in certain key vitamins, you can develop anemia, which is a condition, in which your blood is low on healthy red blood cells. Most healthy women who eat a well-balanced diet do not need to take vitamin supplements. Vitamin supplements are recommended for pregnant women, breast-feeding mothers, those on low-calorie diets or who consume moderate amounts of alcohol, or who are taking certain kinds of medication. Red blood cells carry oxygen from your lungs to all parts of your body. Without enough healthy red blood cells, your body can't get the oxygen it needs to feel energized. To produce red blood cells, your body needs iron and certain vitamins. Vitamin deficiencies also can lead to health problems other than anemia. Fortunately, you can usually correct vitamin deficiencies with supplements and dietary changes. These are organic substances that act as catalysts in the metabolic processes of the body. They do not supply the body with either energy or calories directly. Some Interesting Facts about Vitamins:These may includes:
Pyroluria is the main cause of vitamin B6 deficiency. Another cause of vitamin B6 deficiency is the use of the tuberculostatic medication isoniazid , and for this reason, it is recommended to supplement with vitamin B6 when using this drug. The vitamin deficiency is greatly linked with hair loss in women. Hair follicles need the nutrition from vitamins and female hair loss could be the result of not having enough of these vitamins in your diet. Some of the vitamins that you should have in your diet include vitamin A and D. Balding can also result from an iron or protein deficiency. |
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